Crisis Support Onsite

When an unfortunate tragedy occurs at work or involves co-workers, TRIAD can help you support your employees.

A survey by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics found that about 5% of all businesses experienced an incident of workplace violence each year, with this rate being much higher at 50% for larger size organizations with over 1,000 workers. An average of 5 violent crimes are committed at work each year per 1,000 employees in the US. In the US in 2009 there were over 500 homicides in which someone was killed at work.
Source: Attridge, M., & VandePol, B. (2010). The business case for workplace critical incident response: A literature review and some employer examples. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health, 25(2), 132-145

The untimely death of an employee or someone who is close to the organization, a robbery, shooting, terrorist attack, natural disaster, workplace violence and other unfortunate tragedies can have a profound impact on employees. Additionally, organizational upheaval and financial challenges have created unprecedented levels of workplace turmoil -- reductions-in-force, reorganizations, mergers, and other transitions.

Uncertainty, grief, trauma and depression, even for employees who weren't directly impacted, can show up weeks or months later, and continue to hurt productivity and morale.

How We Can Help

TRIAD can help an organization's leader's prepare, support and help their people recover from a tragedy. Crisis support services are provided to all of our client organizations, their employees and dependents on a 24-hour basis.
On-Site Support
A counselor can come on-site to talk with employees who have been affected, give them an opportunity to talk about their feelings, provide guidance about what they can expect, and assist them to return to normalcy as quickly as possible.

We can also provide guidance to organizational leadership to help them respond to the tragedy so they can help employees navigate the psychological and emotional fallout of a tragedy.
Other Crisis Support Resources
We can consult with your managers and leadership by phone regarding tragedies or any difficult employee situation.
Counselors are available on a 24/7/365 basis for any urgent personal or family crisis
Informational handouts on dealing with workplace grief, loss, anger and other feelings in the wake of a workplace tragedy.
On 9/11/01, Howard Lutnick, CEO of the brokerage firm Cantor Fitzgerald saw his young son off to his first day at kindergarten. Lutnick arrived late at the World Trade Center and then hopelessly tried to reach his employees on the 101st to 105th floors. That day Lutnick said he lost not only his biological brother, but also 700 members of his work family:
"I have to do something for the 700 families. Seven hundred families. I can't say it without crying."
In confronting death, Lutnick realized something every business person needs to know. Our workplaces are not just gatherings of strangers who assist us in our livelihood. In a very real sense they are a second family, the people we've come to know as well as we know anyone. On September 11th, nothing mattered beyond the lives of those thousands of coworkers.
Source: Susan Star Paddock